Mathseeds School Edition

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General Information

What is ABC Mathseeds?

ABC Mathseeds is a highly motivating, interactive web-based program for students in kindergarten through year 3. At its core is a teaching and learning sequence of over 140 lessons where students learn key concepts in mathematics through guided lessons, exploration and practice.

Who is ABC Mathseeds for?

ABC Mathseeds teaches students in years K-3 the core maths and problem-solving skills needed to be successful at school through fun, highly interactive and rewarding lessons. The program begins at an absolute beginner level, so students need no prior knowledge to start.

Who created the ABC Mathseeds program?

ABC Mathseeds was developed by the same team that created the hugely popular and highly successful reading program, Reading Eggs. With over 25 years’ experience in creating high-quality maths resources, our experienced team of Australian teachers, educational writers, animators and web developers are passionate about making every child’s learning experience fun, effective and successful.

What content is covered on the ABC Mathseeds website?

The lessons build mathematical skills in number, counting and operations, as well as algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability. The content is sequenced to ensure it is in line with current educational pedagogy and mandated curriculum documents including the Australian Curriculum.

How is ABC Mathseeds different from other maths programs?

ABC Mathseeds has been created specifically for the needs of early maths learners. Designed to ensure key concepts are learned in depth, this greatly improves long-term retention. ABC Mathseeds understands young learners need to be engaged and entertained if they are to stay on task.

Does the ABC Mathseeds program align to the Australian Curriculum?

Yes. Great care has been taken to ensure each lesson addresses the requirements of K-3 Australian Curriculum standards for maths. To access correlation charts please click here.

How can I ensure that each student is working at the correct level?

The ABC Mathseeds placement test will place each student at the level that matches their ability. This test is offered to all students when they begin the program. Teachers can also choose the level that students work at within the program. You can change a student’s level at any time.

My child’s school is not using ABC Mathseeds. Can I buy it for home use?

Yes, you can purchase a home subscription from the ABC Mathseeds website. Please click here to start a free trial.

How will I know that my students are making progress?

ABC Mathseeds provides automated reporting on each students’ progress and achievements. These can be accessed from your teacher dashboard.

How far does the ABC Mathseeds program go?

Mathseeds is for students in kindergartern through year 3. Lessons 1-50 cover kindergarten, Lessons 51-100 cover year 1, lessons 101-150 cover year 2, and lessons 151-195 cover year 3. Lessons 196-200 will be added for year 3 soon.

Are there any books to go with the online program?

There are lesson plans and four downloadable worksheets for every ABC Mathseeds lesson. The Teacher Toolkit also contains e-books, posters and a comprehensive range of other useful resources.

Do I need to sit with my students for every lesson?

No, ABC Mathseeds is an online program that students can work on at school or at home. Students find it easy to navigate and can use the program independently. The placement test ensures each student is working at a level that matches their current ability.

Why do students love ABC Mathseeds?

Students learn while having fun with colourful animations, entertaining songs and exciting rewards. The one-on-one lessons are matched to students' abilities, allowing them to grow their abilities and really enjoy maths as they learn.

Does ABC Mathseeds cater for individual learning styles?

Yes, ABC Mathseeds is designed to appeal to different learning styles and multiple intelligences. The program’s content and variety allow all students the opportunity to engage in mathematical learning.

How does the ABC Mathseeds program keep students on task?

ABC Mathseeds lessons and activities encourage students to make connections between their real-world experience and mathematical thinking. New skills and concepts are taught in a context that is relevant, familiar and interesting. This promotes active engagement and helps students to remain focused and on task. ABC Mathseeds also rewards students in a variety of ways, which keeps them motivated to keep learning.

How are ABC Mathseeds lessons structured?

All ABC Mathseeds lessons follow a similar structure. Each lesson focuses on a particular mathematical competency, with instructional lessons followed by student practice. Skills are reinforced with nine different activities per lesson and an e-book that reviews the lesson’s key concepts. Students are rewarded with golden acorns and a new pet that hatches at the end of every lesson.

Why does ABC Mathseeds reward student progress?

Rewards reinforce existing learning and encourage new learning to occur. The brain responds favourably to rewards, making the student feel good and motivated to continue with the task. ABC Mathseeds utilises a variety of reward systems that are age-appropriate and highly motivating. Motivation plays a key role in learning, and ABC Mathseeds provides both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational rewards in order to produce total satisfaction.

How do I purchase an ABC Mathseeds subscription?

If you are not already on a free trial you will need to call our friendly customer service team on 1300 850 331 for a school code. Once you have received your school code, sign up via To apply for a quote, simply fill out the quote form, which you can access by clicking Pricing at the top of this page. Then email or fax the completed form to or 1300 850 331.

Will my class’s progress be retained when my school purchases a subscription?

Yes, your students’ progress will be retained when your school purchases an online subscription.

Technical Information

Is ABC Mathseeds iPad compatible?

Yes, you can use ABC Mathseeds on iPad and iPhone. For more information, please read our full technical requirements.

Is ABC Mathseeds Android compatible?

Yes, you can use ABC Mathseeds on Android devices. For more information, please read our full technical requirements.

I can’t hear the site audio on my Galaxy Tab 3.

Make sure you have the latest version of Chrome on your tablet. Open the Chrome browser and type chrome://flags on the address bar and press enter. Scroll down and look for "Enable WebAudio". Enable it and relaunch the browser.

I have to reset my password every time I log in.

If you have tried to reset your password and you need to reset each time you log in, you may have the correct password but the wrong username. Your username is recorded in the email that is sent when you reset your ABC Mathseeds account password.

How do I reset my students' passwords?

Log in to your teacher dashboard. Click "Manage Class" and then "Edit a Student", fill in the new password and click "Update Student".

Who do I call if I need technical help?

If you are still having problems, you can call our customer care team at 1300 850 331.

Technical requirements

Click here to view technical requirements.

Troubleshooting tips

Click here to view troubleshooting tips.

Lessons Activities and Games Information

What is the Playroom?

The Playroom is a section for young students who are just starting to learn the very basics. The next stage is the lesson maps. The Playroom consists of fun interactive activities.

How do students put the furniture they have bought from the Shop into the Mathseeds Treehouse?

Go to the Treehouse and click the blue arrow pointing up. Once on the next floor, press the plus sign (+). Choose your item by dragging it into position.

What is an avatar?

An avatar is an online character that students can make on their own.

How can I change my avatar’s appearance?

To change an avatar’s appearance, students simply need to log in to their account and navigate to the "My Avatar" option. They will be able to select a variety of items in the change room. They have a number of free items to choose from in addition to extra accessories they can buy from the Shop. To pay for these items, they will need "golden acorns", which they earn by completing lessons and puzzles. They need to visit the Shop and buy these items before they go to the change room.

Why do students create their own character?

All students are unique, and they can express this by creating their own online character: their avatar. This quirky acorn-based character welcomes them back every time they log in. This avatar is their very own creation and students can change this character as often as they like.

Why is there a pet collection?

After each lesson, students are rewarded with a great new Mathseeds pet to add to their Treehouse. This collection continues to grow as they complete more lessons. Students love collecting, and the Mathseeds pets are fun to watch and fun to collect.

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Downloadable Brochures & Guides

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Mathseeds White Paper

Mathseeds White Paper

Mathseeds combines key skills and strategies for teaching math to the 21st-Century learner.
